Hidden histories – discovering our local heritage

Our local heritage must be examined with open and honest eyes, and a willingness to tell the true story of Lancaster’s dark past in slave trading. As a city we cannot change our past, but we must not hide from it. It is our mission to inform and educate those who are unaware of the true nature of our history. It is very important that visitors to the area are just as aware of our slavery past as they are of our relationship to the Pendle Witches. How we do that, and what other areas we need to explore which may have been ‘forgotten’, is an open question to which we’d like to hear from anyone who has an interest. This work begins with a discussion at a meeting of the Arts & Culture Cabinet Advisory Group.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Alan Rice, Professor of English and American Studies at UCLAN and Co-Director of the Institute of Black Atlantic Research
  • Professor Imogen Tyler, Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University
  • Professor Vanessa Toulmin, Chair of Morecambe’s Winter Gardens Theatre

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